CEM envisions itself as a center of excellence in undergraduate and graduate instruction, research and extension in economics, agricultural and applied economics, agribusiness management and entrepreneurship and cooperative and bio-enterprise development. It strives to be a world class institution that can serve as an active catalyst for economic and social transformation.

The College of Economics and Management upholds honor and excellence by engaging minds and empowering the nation. CEM has proven its mettle as a forerunner in inclusive innovation through leading edge research, policy development and unwavering public service that helps pave the way for social and economic development.



At CEM, four units work hand-in-hand in engaging and empowering students, institutions, and communities guided by our commitment to serve the Filipino nation and humanity. Each specializing on honing its expertise towards economic, managerial, and entrepreneurial growth and development, four department plays a collaborative role in education, research, extension and public service.


CEM is committed to shaping the minds of those who will shape the future by preparing students to become competent leaders in various fields they choose to engage. This is commitment is fulfilled through various undergraduate and graduate programs.

A center of excellence in undergraduate and graduate instruction, research and extension in economics, agricultural and applied economics, agribusiness management and entrepreneurship and cooperative and bio-enterprise development.


CEM conducts various international conferences, workshops, trainings, seminars and webinars to share our knowledge and skills, to the widest possible audience we can reach. Each department conducts a flagship conference covering the disciplines they specialize on.


The Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics (DAAE) in partnership with the Applied and Agricultural Economics Society, Inc. (AAES) will hold the 2023 International Conference on Applied and Agricultural Economics (AECON 2023) with the theme, “Advancing Knowledge and Forging Cooperation Towards Sustainable Food and Agricultural Development”. The conference will be held on 19 – 20 October 2023 via Zoom. AECON 2023 is an endeavor of DAAE and AAES to further the dialogue on the role and challenges faced by the food and agriculture sector on sustainable development while taking into account population growth.

The overall objective of the conference is to enable stakeholders to cultivate their interest on food and agriculture to dialogue on issues, explore options, and nurture partnerships.


At the College, our research findings feed into our pedagogy. As new knowledge emerges about the fields we are engaged in, we make a conscious effort to infuse them into our classrooms. CEM releases various publications in the form discussion papers and journal articles which reflects our conscious effort to contribute and be relevant in the field and industry we are part of.

Journal of Economics, Management & Agricultural Development (JEMAD)

The Journal of Economics, Management & Agricultural Development (JEMAD) (ISSN: 2449-4585) is an open access peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually by the College of Economics and Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños (CEM-UPLB). JEMAD aspires to be the leading national and regional platform for knowledge generation and exchange in the broad areas of economic and agricultural development, agribusiness management, entrepreneurship, and cooperative development.

College of Economics and Management Discussion Papers

The College of Economics and Management regularly releases discussion papers which are about recent and relevant updates about the economy and  business environment. These discussion papers are written in an easy-to-digest format to make it accessible to a wider audience.