Ninety-seven (97) incoming CEM Freshies completed the four-week long CEM Math Bridge Program. This program aims to assist students on the fundamental concepts and tools of calculus which is a core course in all curricular programs of CEM. The program also helps students in their academic and social adjustments to college life. The recognition rites were held on 13 August 2024 at the REDREC Auditorium. The event was hosted by the LRC Bridge Program Coordinator Mr. Joshua Michael Jonas and graced by CEM’s very own Dean, Prof. Maria Angeles O. Catelo and LRC Director Asst. Prof. Mariyel Hiyas Liwanag.
Dean Catelo asked the ‘Bridgers” in her opening remarks if they made a wise decision to invest their time and efforts in this program and all of them raised their hands in affirmation. She then asked them about the rate of return on their investment (ROI) but, of course, the answer to this question will be determined in the following semesters when they take Math 25.

This culminating event showcased not only what CEM-UPLB students can do academically but also artistically. The four sections of this year’s program demonstrated their acting, singing, and dancing prowess in their very own talent presentations.

Ms. Elmina Margarette M. Nicolas, an incoming BS Accountancy student, was awarded the BEST in MATH with a final grade of 98.75% (1.0).