Oath-Taking Ceremony for the new CEM Student Council

“I wish that this term of yours will build your character. When I say character, we are looking for leaders who will forward the welfare and well-being of the CEM Students. Focus your energy more on what you can do for the CEM Students in cooperation with the CEM Executive...

ICOPED’s YLEAD Concludes with Week-Long Face-to-Face Session in UP Los Baños

The Institute of Cooperatives and Bio-Enterprise Development (ICOPED) concludes its Youth Leadership and Enterprise Development Program by conducting face-to-face sessions and closing ceremonies on 27-30 May 2024 at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna.  ICOPED’s Youth Leadership and Enterprise Program, which started on 16 March 2024, was organized...

CEM Recognizes Oustanding Alumni and Personnel in its Reimagined Resilience Foundation Week

The College of Economics and Management, as part of its week-long founding celebration this July, recognized four outstanding alumni, three outstanding personnels, two programs, one loyalty awardee, and one student organization.  Chancellor Camacho, who’s invited to delivery the keynote message, reminisced his resiliency journey as an economics student and, eventually,...

DAAE joins the Training-Workshop on Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Processing

On 15-25 May 2022, the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (DARE) of Kasetsart University hosted a training-workshop on Sustainability Assessment in Agricultural Production and Food Processing held at Krabi Province, Thailand. The objective was to harness the skills of the participants in data collection and investigate sustainable practices in...