The theme for the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Economics is “Harnessing Sustainable Energy and Ensuring Resilient Environments toward Economic Recovery”. This triennial conference aims to sustain the active networking and knowledge sharing among experts, practitioners, and budding and future researchers in the field of energy economics and environmental economics. This event is part of the ongoing capacity development efforts of the UPLB Department of Economics.
Keeping to the theme of the year’s conference, “Harnessing Sustainable Energy and Ensuring Resilient Environments Toward Economic Recovery,” we are inviting proposals for presentations on the following thematic areas.
9:30-11:00 AM
Session 2 – Special Topics on Environmental Studies
11:00-12:30 PM
1:30-3:30 PM
10:30-12:30 PM
1:30-3:30 PM
EnerCon 2022 is spearheaded by the Department of Economics (DE), an academic degree-granting unit of the College of Economics and Management (CEM) of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) in Laguna, Philippines.
Having initiated efforts for information exchange relating to the economics of energy and environment with its National Forum on Energy Economics 2014, EnerCon 2015, and EnerCon 2018, the DE intends to expand the knowledge base on economics, business, technology, and policies relating to energy and the environment by organizing this triennial event.