DAME-CEM and Nagasaki University Faculty of Economics conduct the 2nd Global Social Responsibility Short-Term Study Program

The 2nd Global Social Responsibility (GSR) Short-Term Study Program was conducted from March 6 to 13, 2017. The program is a partnership between the Faculty of Economics, Nagasaki University (NU) and the Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship (DAME)–College of Economics and Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños. There were nine student participants – six males and three females. The program was coordinated by Prof. Dinah Pura T. Depositario and Asst. Prof. Mar B. Cruz of UPLB and Assoc. Prof. Yasuko Ono of NU.

The objective of the study program is to improve the students’ understanding about the Philippine society and culture, business and economy through lectures and field visits. In the program, participants are expected to observe, recognize and distinguish how the companies and institutions visited meet their social responsibility. The GSR short-term study program is part of the International Business (Plus) Program of NU. It is a requirement for the International Business (plus) Program that gives the students the opportunity to acquire formative experience and fundamental knowledge that are important in promoting mutual cooperation and understanding in the global society.

With the aim in mind, the participants visited various companies such as Sojitz Philippines Corporation, CARD Bank and Ato Belen’s Farm, Tsukiden Electronics Philippines, Inc. and MHPS Technical Service Corporation and UPLB partners such as the Philippine Carabao Center and International Rice Research Institute. There were also lectures delivered such as on Philippines society and economy, human capital, trade and investment, agribusiness and entrepreneurship. These lectures were delivered by CEM faculty. MBCruz

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