The Summer Program in Economics (SPE) of the Department of Economics was held last July 11 to August 15, 2022 under an online learning mode of delivery. The SPE is an intensive refresher course in Macroeconomic Theory, Mathematical Economics, Microeconomic Theory, and Econometrics. It is a preliminary requirement for the incoming graduate students of the Department of Economics (DE) and the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics (DAAE) who received an invitation from the UPLB Graduate School. While others are taking this for professional development.
This year, 28 participants attended the program of which 17 are pursuing graduate studies in the Department of Applied and Agricultural Economics. The Best in Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics Modules were awarded to Vuong Thi Khanh Huyen while the Best in Macroeconomics module was awarded to Lea M. Gammad-Pasicolan. They are both incoming PhD in Agricultural Economics. Lastly, Reymark T. Alcantara received the award in Best in Econometrics, currently pursuing graduate studies at Texas Tech University in USA.

The success of the program was made possible by the faculty in-charged: Dr. Jefferson A. Arapoc (Macroeconomic Theory), Asst. Prof. Luisito C. Abueg (Mathematical Economics), Asst. Prof. Niño Alejandro Q. Manalo (Microeconomic Theory), and Asst. Prof. Veronica I. Castillo (Econometrics). And also by the SPE 2022 coordinator, Dr. Maria Luisa G. Valera.
Writted by: Dr. Maria Luisa G. Valera