As the penultimate installment of the CEM Seminar Series for 2024, the class of ECON 166: Energy Economics spearheads the forum titled “Revisiting EPIRA 23 Years Later”, tackling the developments and the situation of the national power sector after the enactment of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA), at the REDREC Auditorium, December 5.
Panelists from the Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Director Luningning Baltazar and Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) Senior Economist Maria Dominique Lucenario laid the foundation for understanding the fundamentals of the Philippine energy industry. The forum was able to underline the necessity of the reform two decades ago, and the possible direction of the law’s revisions currently happening in legislation.
Over 140 students participated in the discussion emphasizing DOE’s plans to provide quality, reliable, secure, and affordable energy through several development projects and PCC’s implemented regulations to ensure a competitive energy sector. Both agencies highlighted their priority on moving towards an energy mix with 56.9% renewable energy share by 2040 in line with addressing environmental and energy demand concerns.
By revisiting EPIRA 23 years later, participants were able to critically assess its outcomes and identify areas for improvement. This collaborative effort shows the commitment of various sectors to work together towards a more reliable and efficient energy system for the country.
Bianca Ysabel Rabe & Yja Coelis Regina Castor