It’s DAAE in Action! 

In line with its ongoing commitment to capacitate farmers in the countryside, the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics (DAAE), in collaboration with the Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture (KOPIA), conducted a training-workshop on market-oriented production planning, farm record keeping, and basic profitability analysis to the vegetable farmers in Siniloan, Laguna and Lucban, Quezon on June 4 and 6, 2024, respectively.

The training-workshop, consisting of lectures, workshop activities, and presentations, was led and facilitated by the faculty members of DAAE including Asst. Prof. Julieta A. Delos Reyes, Asst. Prof. Christian Paul L. Fang, Asst. Prof. Ruby Jane C. Estadilla, and Ms. Hazel Beatrice E. Samson. It aimed to help farmers in their production and marketing decisions for improved income by equipping them with knowledge on basic economics and accounting concepts such as supply and demand, single-entry bookkeeping, and costs and returns analysis. A total of 86 farmers from Siniloan and 78 farmers from Lucban participated in the training-workshop, composed of both KOPIA and non-KOPIA farmers. 

The interest and eagerness of the farmers to learn were keenly observed during the entire training-workshop as this event transpired from the training needs assessment conducted with the KOPIA farmers by Ms. Achu Arboleda, communications consultant at KOPIA Philippines Center. – HBESamson, CPLFang, RJCEstadilla, and JADelosReyes

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