Master of Science in Economics

The Master of Science in Economics Program aims to: develop graduates with solid foundations in Economic theory, and who are strongly equipped with quantitative methods; and produce graduates who have the unique characteristic of being able to carry out scientific investigation in related disciplines where the University of the Philippines...

Doctor of Philosophy by Research (Economics)

Prospective students are expected to demonstrate the capacity to conduct economic research independently with a high level of originality and quality. They should uncover new knowledge, either by the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories, or the innovative reinterpretation of known data and established ideas. The program can...

Master of Management Major in Business Management

The Master of Management major in Business Management (MM-BM) degree program was instituted to respond to the rapid growth of industrial and non-agri-based enterprises in the Philippines, particularly in CALABARZON and the Asia-Pacific region. The program is aimed at developing success-oriented and socially-responsible managers and entrepreneurs who shall establish and...

Master of Management Major in Cooperative Management (MM-CM)

The Master of Management major in Cooperative Management is a a joint graduate program offering of the Institute of Cooperatives and Bio-Enterprise Development (ICOPED) and the Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship (DAME) which aims to provide students with advanced knowledge on the functional areas of management, entrepreneurship and enterprise...

Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics

The prospective students of the Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics are the college graduates and professionals who want to have a career as educators, researchers, administrators, policymaker/analysts, financial analysts, bank managers, extension and development specialists, business entrepreneurs or project consultants in the field of agricultural economics and related fields.

Master of Science in Agricultural Economics

The Master of Science in Agricultural Economics program is designed to provide students with a solid understanding of economic theory and analytical tools needed in the study of economic issues related to agricultural and rural development.

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics

The BS Agricultural and Applied Economics program aims to produce students who: (1) have technical background in agriculture and related sciences, (2) have understanding of the economic theories and tools in analyzing issues and problems in the agriculture and related sectors, and (3) are able to provide insights on policies...

Bachelor of Science in Economics

Instituted in 1986, the objective of the Bachelor of Science in Economics Program is to provide future economists with the analytical and quantitative skills to analyze issues in economic development and natural resource economics.

Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship

Initially, the program was a joint undertaking with the College of Business Administration in UP Diliman way back 1966-1974. With the founding of the Institute of Agricultural Development and Administration (the present College of Economics and Management) in 1975, it assumed the administration of the program from the College of...