Department of Economics
College of Economics and Management
University of the Philippines Los Baños
4031 College, Laguna Philippines - +63 49 536 2505
- [email protected]

Admission into the degree programs of the Department is highly competitive. For the Bachelor of Science in Economics, applicants must be able to pass the U.P. College Admission Test, where only the upper 10 percent of the examinees are given admission to the university. For the Master of Science in Economics, applicants must be able to show proof of intellectual capacity to tackle the demands of graduate work.
The Department’s academic programs are internationally recognized for their excellence, attracting both local and international students. Our graduates have progressed to positions of leadership in the academia, government, civil society, and in the private sector. The Department has also a long tradition of academic excellence and an unrivalled reputation for participatory research that continues to influence government policies, both in the local and the national level. The Department’s research and public service thrusts have generally dealt with issues relating to development, labor, poverty, international trade, public finance, the environment, among others. The results of these undertakings have served as valuable inputs for decision making, both in the private and public sectors.
In order to make our academic programs relevant to the fast changing world, the Department continues to explore new emerging fields in economics which includes, energy economics, economics of regulation, behavioral economics, and the economics of climate change.
1. play a prominent role in economics education, research, and public service in the Philippines; and
2. contribute to the formulation of local and national economic development plans through problem-oriented research and rigorous academic training that produce influential decision-makers in government, business, and civil society
In keeping with UPLB’s leading role in efforts toward a globally competitive Philippines, DE-UPLB seeks to adhere to the international standards of academic excellence by becoming a hub for innovation in economics teaching and research and thereby attain international recognition and attract outstanding faculty and students from the Philippines and other countries.
In pursuit of UPLB’s goal of making its academic programs comparable with the best globally, DE-UPLB endeavors to:
(i) design course offerings that provide both a rigorous economics education and analytical tools necessary for understanding global issues;
(ii) intensify participation of faculty and students in academic discussions through paper presentation at local, national, and international conferences;
(iii) generate financial resources for the continuing education of faculty and staff;
(iv) develop training programs, targeted at prime movers in government and civil society; and
(v) teach the use of economic principles in making decisions and understanding the most pressing issues.