Dean Maria Angeles Catelo welcomed the initiative of the officers of three CEM academic organizations – the UPLB Agribusiness Society, the UPLB Economics Society, and the UPLB Agricultural and Applied Economics Circle – who recently paid her courtesy calls on separate occasions. She appreciated their coming forward, approaching her with their well-wishes.

The visits of these student leaders were totally unexpected. Definitely, they were a breath of fresh air. Their humility to reach out and express their sincere apologies for their lapses in judgment with their past decisions was heartwarming and reassuring. Clarifications had to be made to rectify misinformation and misimpressions.

The dialogues were quite informal and ended on a positive and relaxed note. At the end of the day, Dean Catelo and the student leaders agreed and assured one another that communication lines will remain open, be more transparent, and genuine support shall be mutually extended toward harmonious work for the welfare of the students and that of the College. For a start, Dean Catelo requested the support of the student leaders in encouraging the active participation of all CEM students (both members of academic organizations and those who are non-affiliated) to be players and cheerers in this year’s Palarong UPLB.

Key messages that underscored include nurturing values of humility, trustworthiness, respect, integrity, fairness, and responsibility that build and hone one’s character, verifying facts and exercise good reason before flowing with the current, and building rather than burn bridges.