About the Conference
Highlighting the important role of cooperatives in agribusiness and enterprise development and identifying opportunities for mainstreaming them in the agribusiness sector

In celebration of the Centennial Year of Philippine Cooperatives this year and in cooperation with the Cooperative Development Authority of the Philippines, the University of the Philippines through the joint efforts of the Institute of Cooperatives and Bio-Enterprise Development (ICOPED), College of Economics and Management (CEM), UP Los Baños and the School of Management (SOM), UP Mindanao, held the Joint International Conference on Agribusiness and Cooperatives on October 14-17, 2015 in Waterfront Insular Hotel, Davao City, Philippines. The event was composed of two co-located conferences: the 7th International Conference on Agribusiness Economics and Management (ICAEM) of SOM and the 2nd International Conference on Cooperatives (ICOOP) of ICOPED.
The joint conference served as a venue for highlighting the important role of cooperatives in agribusiness and enterprise development and identifying opportunities for mainstreaming them in the agribusiness sector. With at least 200 expected participants from the academe, government agencies, non-government and private institutions, local and multinational businesses, and cooperative sector, a novel exchange of knowledge and experiences related to agribusiness economics and management and cooperative enterprise development was envisaged during the conference.
Plenary Presentations
- Plenary Session 1
- Plenary Session 2
- Plenary Session 3
Parallel Session Presentations
- Session B5
- Session B6
- Session C4
- Session C5
- Session C6
- Session D4
- Session D5
- Session D6
- Session E4
- Session E5